GDPR legal entities

    • Preparation complete documentation of the company standart Regulation (EU) 2016/679:

        Considering the company's activities and the EU requirements under the Regulation, documents are complied with in accordance with the principles and spirit of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, which guarantee the protection and the proper processing of the personal data of individuals, as well as the protection of the Company from abuses and fraudulent actions against it.
    • Subscription Agreement and DPO (Data Protection Officer) with Data Corp. Ltd:

        We also provide a service, based on an annual subscription agreement, that we undertake to monitor the proper implementation of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 by the company and over time of the contract to update the documentation, give guidance and advice, provide the data protection officer under section 4, art. 37 et seq. Of the Regulation, to be the first line of defense in the fight against the misuse and dissemination of personal data of individuals.
    • Audit of already integrated Policies and Regulations under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and your National Data Protection Law:

        This service enables you to monitor whether the already prepared documentation and technical support are up-to-date and properly implemented. Our team of specialists will make a thorough and thorough examination and will prepare a formally signed and stamped opinion, which will be advisable for you and your business.
      1. Your documentation is accurate and up-to-date, procedures are properly followed, and you are technically backed up. In this case, your employees, customers and partners can be assured that their personal information is properly protected.
      2.  Your documentation is incorrect and / or up-to-date; the procedures are not properly implemented; you are not technically protected. In this option, our team will issue a formal opinion on problem areas and gaps, as well as issue Recommendations, which should be implemented as soon as possible.
      3.  Your documentation is incorrect and / or up-to-date; the procedures are not properly implemented; you are not technically protected. In this option, our team will issue a formal opinion on problem areas and gaps, as well as issue Recommendations, which should be implemented as soon as possible. If you wish, you can entrust us with updating, supplementing or producing new documentation, as well as training your employees in order to properly apply the rules and procedures of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and your National Data Protection Law.

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