How we work?

1. Initial familiarization

2. Preparation of the individual price offer

3. Signing a contract

Subscription agreement and DPO

Data Corp Ltd

4. Audit of personal data

4.1 Legal

4.2 Technical

7. Passing of documentation

6. Suggestions

5. Preparation of documentation

7.1 On paper

7.2 On digital document

How we work?

1. Initial familiarization

2. Preparation of the individual price offer

3. Signing a contract

4. Audit of personal data

4.1 Legal

4.2 Technical

5. Preparation of documentation

6. Suggestions

7. Passing of documentation

7.1 On paper

7.2 On digital document

8. Subscription agreement and DPO

  • Initial familiarization
  • Preparation of the individual price offer
  • Signing a contract
  • Audit
    • 4.1 Legal
    • 4.2 Techincal
  • Preparation of documentation
  • Suggestions
  • Passing of documentation
    • 7.1 On paper
    • 7.2 On digital document
  • Subscription agreement and DPO